Story Night
October 2nd 2022

Our first ever story night was a huge success! We had a great time listening to some incredible and inspiring stories.
Thank you for joining for a night of conversation and discovery as our speakers shared their stories and experiences.
Why are story nights important?
Sharing and expanding upon a trauma narrative allows the individual to organize their memories while diminishing the painful emotions they carry. It also provides a sense of hope and belonging when sharing with others that have gone through similar situations. Not only that, but telling their stories, help immigrants that have suffered traumatic events generate awareness to the realistic situation they face in their home countries, the journey to the United States, life in an unknown country and the hardships it comes with.
Who came
Story nights are open to anyone that wants to join, but are limited to a few people per night to create the safest space possible for the speakers. Every time we have a story night, we have a registration page open to anyone who wants to join (first come, first serve). Food and beverages are provided.